Casting information
- Languages Arabic (native) | Egyptian (bilingual) | Libanese (bilingual) | French (read/spoken) | English (read/spoken)
- good level
percussion instruments, derbouka, electric guitar
Folk, Rock, Oriental, Chants
- good level
- Tessituras (classic singing) Lyric bass (basso cantante) singing
- Driving Licence Car
- Further information musique : pop folk en arabe, langue :arabe litteraire maternelle - parle aussi libyen mais pas couramment -parle le dialecte syrien, libanais, palestinien et égyptien, quant au dialecte tunisien, libyen, marocain et algérien, a besoin d'un expert en dialecte. (origine moitié kurde et syrien) musique : guitare basse electrique-
Acteur Syrien
- Actor, director and musician.
Mohamad Al Rashi Artistic director Actor and director Mohamad Al Rashi was born in Syria in 1970. Actor, director and musician. He graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts of Damascus in 1995. He began his professional life as an actor at the National Theater in Damascus. He co-founded Damascus Theater Lab with Oussama Ghanam in 2009. He participated at While I was waiting text by Mohammad Al Attar, staged by Omar Abussada. The show had a big European tour starting with the Avignon Festival in 2016 then, in Brussels, Lausanne, Naples, Zurich, Paris, Geneva, and an international tour took place in Japan, USA, and Australia. Mohammad is a regular collaborator with Collective Ma'louba in Theatre An der Ruhr. This collaboration started in 2017 at Your love is Fire, then Days in The Sun in 2018, and Danton Returns in 2021, all written by Mudar Alhagge. Since the end of 2014 he resides in Marseille, France.
- 1995
- - He graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts of Damascus
- 2014
- - Réside à marseille depuis 2014
double nationalité franco- syrienne résident à Marseille
- 2023
he played in “The Green Border”
- by Agnieszka Holland. - rôles principaux Jalal Altawil Behi Djanati Atai Mohamad Al Rashi Dalia Naous Maja Ostaszewska Tomasz W?osok
Prix Spécial du Jury – Biennale de Venise 2023- Sélection Toronto International Film Festival 2023 New York Film Festival 2023- - 2022
- he played in “Les Indésirables” BATMENT 5 - by Ladj Ly. - secondaire (Tourné en français)
- 2021
- he played in "The Return" - - by Meyar Al Roumi - principal
- 2021
- he played in (production allemande) "XOFTEX" - by Noaz Deshe. - tourné à berlin (tourné en arabe)
- 2019
- he played in "The Hangar" - by Eyas Al Mokdad. - tourné en belgique , en arabe rôle principal )
- 2018
- he played in Cover up - - Marie-amelie Steul. - tourné en arabe rôle principal
- 2013
- he played in "The 4th O'clock In Paradise Time" - directed by Mohamad abdoul Aziz. - tourné en syrie rôle principal
- 2011
- he filmed "The Immigrants" - - by Soavoder Mrojek, directed by Mohamad abdoul Aziz. - tourné en syrie rôle principal
- 2016
- LE BUREAU DES LEGENDES 2 épisodes - Ammar Al-Roumi
- 1999-2023
- TV: Mohamad Al Rashi is also a television actor. He has turned in about 20 TV movies, and 50 TV Series - grand acteur syrien qui a porté de nombreux films et séries dans le monde arabe
- 2008
- Wajh Aladalah - Produite par Hamada Gamalaldeen - a Syrian TV series about crimes
Court Métrage
- 2019
- Marie-Amélie Steul - rôles principaux
short film breaks 2020 Vainqueur Golden Elephant Audience Award- Dream City Rivne international film festival 2019 Vainqueur III Prize International Program - Short Feature Films
- 2022
- “ Up There” - by Weal Kadour staged by Mohamad Al Rashi.
- 2021
- “ On Loss “ - by Weal Kadour staged by Wael Ali.
- 2021
- ” THE RETURN OF DANTON “ - by Moudar Alhaje staged by Omar Elerian.
- 2019
- " Days In The Sun" - by Moudar Alhaje.
- 2019
- "Chronicles of A City We Never Knew" - by Weal Kadour, staged by Mohamad Al Rashi.
- 2018
- " UR " - Written and staged by Suleiman Al Bassam. - In Munich, Carthage Theater Festival.
- 2017
- " Your love is Fire " - by Moudar Alhaje staged by Rafat alzakout. - European tour: in Germany and Edinburgh Festival.
- 2023
- “Existing” - by Wihad Souliman staged by Lydia Ziemke.
- 2016
- "While I was waiting for you" - by Mohammad El Attar, staged by Omar Abussada. - European tour: Avignon Festival, Brussels, Lausanne, Naples, Zurich, Paris, Geneva...
- 2012
- "Pallier of Suffering Of Mem Ghada" - staged by Abdallah Alkafri.
- 2014
- "Les justes" - by Albert Camus staged by Mehdi Aldahabi - in Braunschweig, Germany
- 2013
- "Homecoming" by - Harold Pinter staged by Ossama Ghanam - in Damascus.
- 2010
- The novel of Baïbars" - staged by Marcel Bozonnet - in Paris and Marseille.
- 2009
- "The Last Band" - by Samuel Beckett staged by Ossama Ghanam - in Damascus and Beirut.
- 2008
- he played in Soavoder Mrojek's "The Immigrants' ' - staged by Samer Omran - ( in Damascus and then in Amman, Beirut, Cairo and Sharjah.)
- 2000
- he plays in "Gilgamesh" - staged by Pascal Rambert - as part of the Festival d'Avignon.
- 1999
- In 1999 he did "steps" as a director, in Damascus, Carthage Theater Festival.
- 2008
- "The Immigrants" - directed by Samer Omran.
- 2008
- Aristophanes "Women's Assembly" - staged by Ramzi Choukair - (Damascus).damas
- 2006
- Chitra daughter of Rabindranath kings" of Tagore, - directed by Ramzi Choukair - (Damascus).
- 1999-2014
- As a musician he joined the group Catherine Vincent in 2014 and together they signed the recital: "Love, peace and revolution".He is a composer of music for the theater
- 2005
- The little world" - of Nawar Bulbul - (Damascus).
- 2005
- Diplomats" - by Ghassan Massoud - (Damascus).
- 1999
- Steps " - by Mohamad AL Rashi - (Damascus).
trailer de the green border
trailer d'Agnieszka Holland
indisponibilités :